Thursday, November 27, 2014

Top Leader Ariah Russell

TL Direct Acquisitions has chosen Ariah Russell as our Top Leader. She earns this merit based award due to her professionalism and student mentality. She not only demonstrates the qualities of a leader but a manager, someone who is not only looking to grow but also looks to help others grow. We are proud to nominate her our top leader and look forward to see her current and well as future growth and success.

Some Words from Ariah:

“Hello everyone, I’m Ariah, I’m originally from South Carolina, I've been in the business for a few months. I was introduced to a wonderful opportunity by Terry Lynch and ever since I've grown to understand and envision a great life! In this business my goals are to be an up coming successful business owner and an over all entrepreneur that helps others reach their full potential. Receiving the leaders pin at the conference was a small mile stone that rewarded me for the knowledge that I am being taught. With higher expectations and huge dreams it continues to drive me to go above and beyond to reach success!” 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Atlanta Leaders Conference

Hundreds of leaders from the southeast gathered to hear successful entrepreneurs, consultants, and top leaders share their knowledge to improve our careers. We covered topics such as how to develop the leadership qualities in others, growing your company, and where to spend your time as well as with who. The leaders conference was successful and brought the bigger picture together for many of the individuals who attended. 

Thoughts from our leaders on their experiences at the Conference:

Kiara Hamilton 

“Attending the conference was very informative! It gives me the confidence that as long as I follow everything that I am being taught, I will be very successful!”

Melissa Burrell 
     “I absolutely enjoyed attending the conference and getting to see the big picture and all that the business has to hold. It just pushes me harder as well as pushing my team to accomplish everything and be successful.”

Tehillah Edmondson    
     “The leaders conference was inspiring.  It put everything I had been previously been told into perspective.  I confirmed we were pointed in the right direction and had a long way to go, but that we were not alone.  It was encouraging to hear what our leaders and our owner Terry Lynch had been teaching and showing us all along from all of the speakers.”

Keela Young
     “The conference really put the big picture into perspective. Getting to see real normal people talking about how they went through what we are going through. Then to hear where they are now because of their hard work and dedication. It's not everyday you get to take advice from the top people in this business.”

Monday, November 24, 2014


Motivation broken down is actually comprised of two words (motiv/ation): 
1) motive and 
2) action:

“People who are motivated have a motive; they have a reason, a purpose, or a cause. And then they take action on that reason, purpose, or cause.” -Zig Ziglar

So ask yourself, what motivates you? 

What are your true motives? 

Finally, what actions are you going to take?

Success can only be achieved by your hard work and persistence. Remember your intentions and take direct, specific steps towards your goals. Only then, can you truly achieve the success you desire. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Men of TL Direct Acquisitions 

From Left to Right, Philip Lester, Trez McDaniel, and Steven Bowman. 

Phil (left) is originally from Georgia, his contribution to the growth and expansion of the company in Greenville, South Carolina was essential to its success.  Trez (center) and Steven (right), both originally from South Carolina, have also been major contributors to the company’s success. Trez McDaniel, was nominated our Top Leader last quarter. He also attended Top Gun Leaders in California in June. 

The Ladies of TL Direct Acquisitions

From Left to Right, Melissa Burrell, Keela Young, Kiara Hamilton, President Terry Lynch, Tehillah Edmondson, and Ariah Russell.
Kiara began her journey in Atlanta. She was part of the original expansion crew to Greenville, South Carolina. She is excited to return home and take over the city. Melissa won the Puerto Rico trip for her hard work and dedication to her craft. She along with team member Keela are looking forward to taking advantage of Atlanta’s vast opportunities. Tehillah and Ariah are ready to show Atlanta just what the previous Greenville crew are capable of. They have definitely stepped up and set the pace for our new office location. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Meet the Team

Determination   Perseverance
Tenacity  Vision  Drive

Kiara Hamilton’s goals for the company are to continue helping others grow in the right direction. Also, be an inspiration to others not only in business but in life. I was always told ¨No matter where you come from, you have total control of your future!¨ I want others to see that as long as you work hard, you will succeed. I'm ready to take over Atlanta!

I was a part of the original moving crew from Atlanta to Greenville, South Carolina. The experience was amazing! Being with a team like this made it more comfortable knowing that we all had each other's best interest at heart. Coming back down to Atlanta was awesome. From moving things into the new place to the first day of business in a new city was mind racing! I'm excited to take over Atlanta! 

Melissa Burrell was part of the move from Greenville, SC to Atlanta, GA to a city with bigger opportunities to achieve the endeavors that the business has to offer. She is ready for the great opportunities that are to come here in Atlanta. Melissa’s goals are to continue to learn all the knowledge she can get to be successful. She also wants to help others grow. As well as transfer that knowledge she has gained to others so they can get the same opportunity she has. Finally, to continue to build her team and get promoted to assistant manager, followed by a quick promotion to owner. Then, will begin the road to consultant!

Tehillah Edmondson says moving here was an exciting change and demonstration of our commitment to this path we have chosen.  It called us out on being all or nothing in this business, as well as brought us closer together  as an office family.  This move is an example of the sacrifices we as professionals are willing to make in order to forge a future we can be proud and ecstatic about.

Look out Atlanta, TL Direct Acquisitions is here

TL Direct Acquisitions is moving to Atlanta. Terry Lynch, President, started his career in Atlanta and is happy to be home after a strong first two years in business in Greenville, South Carolina. The expansion will not only bring greater opportunities and experiences, but a great team of individuals who are going to take the city by storm.  

Melissa Burrell (in the photo) looks out at the city pondering the vast opportunities that lie ahead.