The Adversity Paradox
by J. Barry Griswell & Bod Jennings
You always have a choice. No matter how terrible the set back or how great the outcome. “You can make the choice to lie back and let adversity consume you, or you can face the situation head on and work to make adversity your friend.”
Introspection -
You must first take a look at yourself. Look at your motives and actions. What is your commitment to your dreams and your goals? Look at your strengths and weaknesses. You must have a true understanding of who you are and what you want.
Honesty and integrity are the foundation for any type of success.
Work Character-
Sorry but at the end of the day, there just isn’t a substitute for hard work.
Purpose and Passion-
Be passionate about what you do. Enjoy it. Have a strong purpose. Purpose is what keeps you going in the face of any challenge.
Thirst for Knowledge-
Continue to learn and grow, never stop.
Adversity is to teach you something. However, the power to act, to positively change your own circumstances, lies within you. So don’t just set your goals and meet them. Surpass your goals. Remember, it’s a choice and only you can make it.