Friday, December 26, 2014

What are your goals

“Any thought, plan, or goal that you can clearly define in your conscious mind will be brought into reality by your subconscious mind.” Brian Tracy

When setting goals, ask yourself, "is this something you really want?” Be specific and clear with your goals. Remember setting SMART goals is essential in attaining your desired outcome. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Revisable, and Timely goals.

In order to determine if a goal is truly important to you, Brian Tracy says you should write out ten goals on a sheet of paper that you want to accomplish in the near future. Once you have written them out, determine which ones would have the greatest positive impact on your life if accomplished immediately. This is the goal that you should focus on. First figure out where you are right now. Then what you need to do to get where you want to be. Finally, what steps are required to accomplish your goals. 

Part of defining a goal is defining your weakest areas. Specifically what you need to improve. Then you can determine what steps you are going to take to improve each one. Always remember the 80/20 rule. This rule states “80 percent of your constraints will be within yourself, 20 percent outside of yourself, in other people and situations. It is you personally who is usually the major roadblock setting the speed at which you achieve a goal,” explains Brian Tracy. Therefore, we must recognize first, that in order to achieve any goal we truly want to set, we must first get out of our own way.  We have to get outside of our comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to change. Remember to always visualize completing each step necessary to attain your goals. So go after it, go hit your goals.

Quotes from the book Goals by Brian Tracy 

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